
Your Flute:

Key signature of original melody:      


Transposes to :               

notes: c d e f g a b ^c      rest: n
sharp: #         flat: $         natural: %   
higher octave: ^           lower octave: _
pause line: / or | line breaking: Enter

The following letters are used to represent notes:
basic octave: c d e f g a b
higher octave: ^c ^d ^e ^f ^g ^a ^b
lower octave: _c _d _e _f _g _a _b
Rests are generated with a 'n'.
Key signature of original melody:
A key signature is expressed by the number of sharps or flats.
Choose the sharps, flats or none and enter the number in a text box.
The symbols #, $ and % are used (before or after a note) to generate respectively a sharp, flat or natural.
Double sharps and flats are available with ## and $$ respectively.
Line breaking:
One line of cde notation will produce one line of Score Sheet.
inserted by FC2 system